教师资源 & 工作人员

PACS is seeing a growing number of students with mental illness, 创伤的历史, 药物滥用, 以及长期的人际关系问题. 前来寻求帮助的学生往往表现出危机,需要学术干预才能继续在UNH学习.

 Managing student stress during distance learning


  Supporting students in a remote learning environment

A guide to help faculty determine when students may need extra attention


While PACS is the primary mental health facility for UNH students, all 办公室 and departments have contact with students with mental health issues. 我们有共同的责任,以关心和同情的态度回应学生,关心他们的个人幸福,关心他们的学业成功. PACS的工作人员定期咨询教师, 工作人员, 父母, and significant others about students of concern and how to support them. 我们还应要求,培训各院系如何支持遇到困难的学生.

以下信息解释了专业咨询何时可能对学生有益,以及如何转介到PACS. 专业保密的概念和其他类型的转诊和咨询服务的信息也进行了讨论.

请参考UNH的教职员工 认识、回应、推荐和联系 guide for information about accessing other supportive resources on campus.

请注意: PACS不向教授提供澳门葡京网赌游戏上课出勤或其他心理健康问题的笔记或信件. 


一个有爱心的教师或工作人员可能处于一个独特的位置,以确定谁是挣扎的学生. As such, you are in a position to listen supportively and refer students in distress to PACS.

PACS provides consultation services for students, 工作人员, professionals and faculty. These consultations often focus on a concern for an individual student, behavioral problems occurring in classrooms and residence halls, or other issues that may have important psychological dimensions. The 工作人员 will attempt to respond to requests for consultation as soon as daily schedules permit. 如果您认为情况紧急需要立即处理,请告诉接待员.

个人向心理健康提供者寻求帮助的原因和人们自己一样多种多样. 一个人寻求咨询的动机可能从希望解决一个特定的问题到希望提高他们自己的个人发展. 无论如何, following indicators might be useful in making a decision about referring a student to PACS. To prevent possible over-interpretation of a single or an isolated behavior, 寻找几乎同时出现的一系列迹象可能是明智的. When in doubt, don't hesitate to consult with a PACS 工作人员 member.


Here are the five signs that may mean someone is in emotional pain and might need help:

You may 不ice sudden or gradual changes in the way that someone typically behaves. People in this situation may behave in ways that don’t seem to fit their values, 或者这个人可能只是看起来不一样.

Uncharacteristically angry, anxious, agitated, or moody
你可能会注意到这个人在控制自己的脾气方面有更多的问题,看起来易怒或无法平静下来. 在这种极端情况下,人们可能无法入睡,或者会因为一个小问题而勃然大怒.

曾经积极参与社交活动的人可能会远离家人和朋友,不再参加曾经令人愉快的活动. In more severe cases the person may start failing to make it to work or school. Not to be confused with the behavior or someone who is more introverted, this sign is marked by a change in the person’s typical sociability, as when someone pulls away from the social support typically available.

May neglect self-care and engage in risky behavior
You may 不ice a change in the person’s level of personal care or an act of poor judgment. 例如, 有些人可能会让个人卫生恶化, 或者这个人可能开始滥用酒精或非法物质,或从事其他可能疏远亲人的自我毁灭行为.

Overcome with helplessness and overwhelmed by circumstances
你有没有注意到有人曾经很乐观,现在却找不到任何希望? 那个人可能正遭受着极度的或长期的悲伤,或者是毫无价值或内疚的感觉. People in this situation may say that the world would be better off without them, 暗示有自杀念头.

改编自 改变方向的运动 (2017)

Aside from signs or symptoms that may suggest the need for counseling, 还有其他指导方针可以帮助教师或工作人员确定他们参与特定学生问题的限度. A referral is usually indicated in the following situations:

  1. A student presents a problem or requests information which is outside of your range of knowledge
  2. 你觉得你和学生之间无法解决的性格差异会影响你对学生的帮助
  3. 这是个人问题, and you know the student on other than a professional basis (friend, 邻居, 相对, 等.)
  4. A student is reluctant to discuss a problem with you for some reason
  5. You do 不 believe your contact with the student has been effective

When you have determined that a student might benefit from professional counseling, 通常最好是直接和学生说话,以一种直截了当的方式,这将表明你对他们的福利的关心. It is 不 advisable to attempt to deceive or trick the student into seeking counseling. 要清楚地表明,这个建议是你根据对学生行为的观察做出的最佳判断. Be specific regarding the behaviors that have raised your concerns, and avoid making generalizations about the individual.

除紧急情况外,必须为学生留下接受或拒绝咨询的选择权. If the student is skeptical or reluctant for whatever reason, 简单地表达你对这些感受的接受,这样你和学生的关系就不会受到损害. 给学生考虑其他选择的机会,建议他们可能需要一些时间来考虑. 如果学生断然说“不”,那就尊重这个决定, and again leave the situation open for possible reconsideration at a later time. If the student agrees to the referral, student may call or go to PACS to make an appointment. We must speak directly to the student to schedule an appointment. 学生与PACS的第一次接触通常是初步咨询,学生和辅导员会面,决定所需帮助的类型. 最初的咨询预约通常安排在学生要求在PACS看到的一周内. 因心理困难而需要立即帮助的学生在同一天内得到紧急救助. 最后, 你应该在晚些时候跟进学生,即使他们没有接受你的尝试推荐,也要表现出你的持续兴趣.

In 紧急 situations involving students who are unwilling or unable to seek help on their own, 请拨打911. 

对于大学社区的成员来说,重要的是要明白,在PACS与心理健康专业人员的所有会议都是保密的. 在咨询会议期间获得的信息不能被释放,除非在学生的书面要求, in circumstances which would result in clear danger to the individual or others, 儿童或老人被忽视/虐待的报告, 欺侮报告, or as may be required by other laws; PACS adheres very strictly to this policy.

If a faculty or 工作人员 member is interested in student’s contact with PACS, information can best be obtained directly from the student. 应该指出的是,学生不受专业咨询师必须遵守的保密承诺的约束. PACS clinicians do 不 provide 不es or have direct contact with faculty or 工作人员 regarding specific students; communications about specific students generally take place through the Dean of Students.

Sources of assistance for students are 不 limited to professional counseling. They also may include referral to a physician, 是不是健康 & 健康, Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP), 住房 & 住宅生活, 学术资源中心(CFAR), 大学咨询中心,ir 父母, a hall director, or a member of the clergy, 等. 出于这个原因, 人的知识, 办公室, and agencies that can be of service to the student is of primary importance. 当学生感到从一个办公室转到另一个办公室而没有得到他们需要的帮助时,他们就会感到气馁和沮丧. 如果您不确定将学生送到适当的地方以获得具体信息或帮助, 请致电PACS(603) 862-2090(中继NH: 1-800-735-2964)获取有关校园各种帮助来源的信息或咨询.

pac确实 provide ongoing counseling services for University employees, faculty, and 工作人员. 大学提供 员工援助计划 给所有员工和他们的家人. Employees can call 1-800-424-1749, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.